Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Celery soup (aka Barbican party leftovers)

Remember the stuffed celery from last week's 1970 Barbican party? Well I didn't stuff all of it - I should have done because a) it was surprisingly popular and b) what on earth am I going to do with half a head of celery? Not eat it raw, obviously, it's disgusting. Just as fruit salad shouldn't be classified as pudding, food that takes more calories to eat than you get from eating it shouldn't be classified as food.

So it's back to old favourite Delia and her matching orange-pan-and-cardigan combo on the evening standard cookbook, for some celery and nutmeg soup in the hope that all the other ingredients disguise the taste of celery...

(for 2, or 1 person twice if no one else will risk it)

Leftover celery
1/2 large onion
2 small potatoes
250ml vegetable or chicken stock (from a cube)
125ml milk


- Wash the celery well, peel off any stringy bits and chop small. Also chop the onion and potato (no need to peel the potato)

- Cook the onion and potato in some butter for a couple of minutes then add the celery. season, cover and leave to sweat for 10 minutes (look - 3 out of 4 Hobs in a row!)

 - Pour in the stock and milk and simmer for another 30 to 40 minutes, then carefully blend with a soup stick

- Serve with a dollop of Greek yoghurt, grated nutmeg and some toasted flaked almonds. This should just about cover up any taste of celery - enjoy!

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